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Being Childless: Bible's Perspective, Part 5

For part 4 in the series, please click, Being Childless, Part 4

Does it mean that all the other barren women in history are sinful? Of course not. Does it mean that all the other barren women in history failed to have the divine intervention in their life? We do not know. God while executing his wonderful plan of bringing glory to His name in the lives of these five barren women, He also revealed that a barren woman is not cursed. I talk to the believing women and not to the unbelievers. If you have not repented of your sins and have not given your life to Jesus Christ, God’s wrath is on you. You are cursed, whether you have a child or you do not have a child. Will you be able to bear a child, once you repent? I do not have the authority to say that. You may, you may not. You don’t come to Christ because your needs are met, you come to Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.

God’s redemptive work is complete. Through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection on the third day, God has completed the redemptive work. God’s Word is complete. We cannot add to it, neither can we subtract from it. All the examples of the Old Testament are for our exhortation and not to increase our suffering. That is why He commanded in Matt 28: 19, ‘to go and make disciples.’ You do not make disciples by continuing to wait for the Lord to help you conceive. You do not fulfill the command by wasting the best years of life wallowing in self-pity, medication, suffering, humiliation, loneliness and pain.

Were we not saved by grace? Are we not adopted ones? After the redemptive work was complete, only then did He adopt us to His family. Right? Originally, we are not a part of his family but because of the work on the cross, we can call Him, ‘Abba’, ‘Father’. Don’t we? Then, how is it that you refuse to adopt a child into your family and provide a child with parents? How is it that you do not want to give a child the opportunity to call you ‘Dad’, ‘Mom’? Do you want to start in grace and finish with the work of the flesh? Is the work of Christ in vain? Did you not receive grace that you refuse to be gracious? Have you not receive mercy that you refuse to be merciful?

We spend our whole lives preaching and proclaiming the gospel of Christ. And after all the effort, the soul of an unrepentant sinner is not in our hands. God gives repentance. He opens the heart of individuals to repent and turn away from their sins and come to the saving knowledge of Christ. I am yet to claim even one individual as my child in Christ as a result of my preaching.

Is it not wonderful, that God has made you barren and given an opportunity to save an orphan from this wicked world, rescue him from hell, provide him/her with godly parents, raise him/her in the fear of the Lord? Are you so ignorant that you do not know, understand the purposes of God? You who have children, are not excused, refuse to adopt children, when you have sufficient resources to provide and care for the child. I talk to Indian Christian parents.

You decide. Is it not easy for a child to be rescued from hell than a man with all the knowledge, sinful experiences and influences that pull and drive him? Will not the child spend the first eighteen years of life under your care and influence? Will you not be able to impact his/her life through your prayer, study of the Word and love?

We live in a period of grace. Miracles were designed to happen along with the preaching of the gospel, to enable the world to see the hand of God behind the preaching of the Word. God is not in the business of opening wombs but in the redeeming of sinners from hell. He is not in the business of performing physical miracles but spiritual miracles. He died and rose again to change people’s heart.

God wants you to be happy. He wants you to be satisfied. His command is that you be content. You have a choice to be on His side or your own. You are not ‘incidentally childless, you are not ‘unfortunately childless’. God designed your family life that way. He is in control. He has occasioned that you be happy and content by adopting in your family a child and bring glory to his name by helping the child to see, know and experience God’s love, redemptive power, and grace. At the same time, fill your life with joy, thrill, excitement, energy, love and desire for each other.

My joy is complete when I know that you obey God’s Word. Continue in grace.

Abusive Marriage: Biblical Perspective, Part 3

For part 2 in the series, please click, Abusive Marriage, Part 2

So, how do you deal with an abusive spouse in an abusive marriage?


Number one is by knowing that marriage is not all that there is to the life of a Christian. You have not been created and saved to suffer in an abusive marriage. You have been created to serve God. Col 3:24b says, ‘for you serve the Lord Christ.’ Eph 2:10 says, ‘For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.’ See, we have been created by God to serve Him by doing good deeds/works. Also, we have been saved to serve God. II Tim 1:9, ‘Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling.’

Understand this folks, you have been bought with the precious blood of Christ, which means through Christ’s death, we’ve been bought. I Pet 1:19. You are not your own. I Cor 6:19b.

You are not your own
You are God’s property. Your identity and being is in God. You were and are married with the purpose of serving God through the help and support of your spouse. You live for Christ as Paul said in Phil 1:21, ‘For to me, to live is Christ.’

Do not remain stuck in an abusive marriage for the sake of retaining your marital status. Run the race like an athlete laying aside every weight with endurance the race that is set before us. Heb 12:1


Suffering in futility
Husband and wife are co-heirs of the grace of life I Pet 3:7. ‘Grace’ simply means a ‘gift’, and one of the best gifts life has to offer is marriage. Thus, Bible gives equal status to both the man and the woman. A woman is not a slave to her husband and a husband is not a master to her. You do not have to suffer mental and physical abuse, humiliation, assault, harassment, and be neglected. Do not consider such abuse as suffering for Christ. Don’t pat yourself on the back that you are enduring suffering for the sake of Christ.


The more you suffer and endure it, the more you will accumulate hurt feelings, harbor grudge, bitterness, hatred, and anger against your spouse and the more difficult will it be for you to forgive and move on or reconcile with your spouse in the future. Talk to your spouse of the pain that He/she is inflicting on you. If he/she accepts her/his sin, you’ve gained your spouse. If he/she does not, confront your spouse with few members of the church. If he/she accepts, great! But if he/she does not, take the matter to the church. If he/she still does not accept his/her sin, then let the church consider such as sinner and throw him/her out of the church. Matt 18:15-20.


In I Cor 7:15 Paul says, ‘But God has called us to peace.’ Again, he says in verse 5, ‘Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.’ What a beautiful advice for a Christian couple in conflict! Separate for a while, with mutual consent for the purpose of giving yourself to fasting and prayer (for seeking God's grace and guidance) and come back together so that due to the lack of your spouse, you fall into temptation and commit sexual sin. As Peter said in I Pet 3:7b, ‘that your prayers may not be hindered.’

Our Lord Jesus Christ abhors the concept of divorce except on the ground of infidelity. Even in the matter of sexual immorality, a Christian spouse may forgive his/her erring partner in grace and love. ‘Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.’ Matt 6:12

For part 4 in the series, please click, 

Arranged Marriage: Bible's Perspective, Part 5

For part 4 in the series, please click, Arranged Marriage, Part 4

The process: Selection phase

Let’s look at the selection process. When your family gets into the selection mode, the selection is made on many factors which include social and financial/economic status, educational qualifications, caste, language spoken, regional, skin complexion, artistic talents and any other objective or visible traits/qualities. Bible calls it the lust of eyes and pride of life. The subjective traits, like habits, views on things and issues, and thought process of a person, are only visible or made known when you know and have interacted with the person.

Tell me, my dear, where is God in all of these? Does God looks at outward appearance or the heart, the inward being? Does God make any difference between a Jew and a Greek? Did we not all receive the same Spirit and partake in the same heavenly blessings? Are we not all called by one and baptized in one name?

And then, you have the audacity to claim that you have prayed about the proposal, or that you are praying about it, that you are seeking God’s will, and that you are waiting on the Lord.

Are you so ignorant that you do not know that when the start is illegal, the next process is illegal and void ab-initio. If an act is illegal and void in the first place, then, the whole process is termed illegal and deemed void.

The process: Final decision
Then you visit the girl’s family to make a final decision. When you parade your daughter in front of a boy’s family, you are signifying that your daughter is just a commodity who is in the marriage market to be sold out to the best and suitable buyer. By parading her, you also make a statement to the fact that your daughter is less in value than the boy, which is absolutely ridiculous and contrary to the Bible. Bible considers both man and woman equal in marriage.

God created man and woman in His own image. Thus, they are both equal before God. God commands woman to be silent in the church and do not have the authority to teach and preach to men I Cor 14:34-38, I Tim 2:9-15. I Pet 3:7b referring to husband and wife, says, ‘as being heirs together of the grace of life.’ Thus, they are co-heirs. Paul in Eph 5:22-33, commands husbands to love their wives and the wives to submit and respect their husbands. Submit not as a servant but as a helper and a partner. Authority of a husband is not like the authority of a schoolmaster but to lead and guide with love.

For part 6 in this series, please click,  Arranged Marriage, Part 6

Arranged Marriage: Bible's Perspective, Part 4

For part 3 in the series, please click,  Arranged Marriage, Part 3

Just answer me these questions, how is it possible that you scraped through your college life, church life, social life, and professional life and you could not find a person whom you love and adore, after your own heart? Do you mean to say that God did not create a person and brought him/her in front of you during all these years since your adolescence and adulthood? Are you saying that my God is unconcerned about you? That He has no plan for them whom He chose before the foundation of the world? You then believe in a cruel God, but not the God of the Bible.

My God has, in different times, and in different similitude, revealed his deep concern for us, His chosen and saved ones. In Matt 10:30, Jesus said, ‘But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.’ In Zech 2:8, it is written, ‘He who touches you touches the apple of His eye.’ Is 49:16, ‘See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.’ Just a few out of many exhortations recorded in the Bible.

For part 5 in the series, please click, Arranged Marriage, Part 5

Arranged Marriage: Bible's Perspective, Part 3

For part 2 in the series, please click, Arranged Marriage, Part 2

The Process: Brain-Washing

Reason number two, brain washing. Arranged marriage begins with the brain-washing process, which starts from a very early age. The girl’s mother consistently over a period of time feeds the child’s brain with the idea that to love a boy is wrong and unacceptable in the family as well as society. She discourages her from ever falling in love or to choose her own partner in the future. She is fed with the concept of ‘family honor’ to send home the point that ‘Love’ is a taboo and the girl has to respect and maintain family’s reputation and honor by suppressing her emotions and feelings and not letting them to ever take control or precedence. Let me quote what the former Indian cricket coach, Mr Greg Chappell said about decision making capabilities of Indians, “From an early age, their parents make all the decisions.” On the contrary, a boy child is given a free run, with no control mechanism in place; the boy gets the idea that he is not accountable to anyone.

During their growing years both boys and girls observe the attitude of elders and society towards those who have defied this system and chose their own partners. The elders and the society instill fear into the minds of these growing children who later on become stereotypes of those elders. They are influenced by their peers, movies and TV as well.

A Christian who lives in such a society and culture continues to follow the customs and traditions of the unregenerate society. The church, its elders and Christians themselves refuse to be transformed by the renewing of their minds that they may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God Rom 12:2.


The end result is a convoluted and distorted mind, a mind that plays around with its own feelings and emotions as well as that of others who come into contact and influence of such convoluted and distorted minds.

You grow up to be an adult and live through your college life, social life and professional life without making an effort to seek your life partner and refuse to make a life-long commitment to anyone based on love. You may be attracted towards someone but you consider it just a fling, a pass-time, a non-committal relationship. At the back of your mind, you know and realize that ultimately, your marriage will be decided by your parents and elders in the family.

So, you have no regard for humanity, you play with human emotions, lie, betray and cause hurt in a relationship. You would break up a relationship only to enter a new relationship giving yourself no time to heal the wounds, if there are any, because there is no humanity left there. You are zombies, you have been brainwashed to such an extent that you do not feel anything. Since you understand that these relationships doesn’t mean a thing and cannot last, as in the end you will succumb to your parent’s choice of a life-partner.

For part 4 in the series, please click, Arranged Marriage, Part 4

Arranged Marriage: Bible's Perspective, Part 2

For part 1 in the series, please click, Arranged Marriage, Part 1

Why an arranged marriage is not biblical? Why it is against the precepts of the Bible will be seen in the following discussion. Reason number one, human will.

Human Will
What is human will? Human will is the inherent desire of a human being to choose between right and wrong, good and evil. The subject of human will or as some may call it, free will, is a very serious and complex subject and requires a detailed study and is not the subject matter of our current discussion. Arranged marriage does not recognize or respect the will of an individual but on the contrary overpowers and suppresses the human will and emotions. Your assent or dissent is neither sought nor is considered as desired. When it is sought, it is sought in the selection and finalization of one prospect out of many. All the while the reins remain in the hands of parents and the elders relegating God as a last-minute invite. Even God does not override the human will as is revealed in Jesus’ accusation of the Jews when He said, “But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.” Jn 5:40
This system exists among a society which does not know the True and Living God. This system is prevalent in societies and cultures which are trapped in the clutches of their tradition and any dissent or assault on the tradition of arranged marriage is seen as an assault on their very culture and tradition.

The depravity of a human mind is revealed by its insistence to follow the despicable customs of an unregenerate society which is in direct conflict with God's gift of free will to humans. Arranged marriage is one bizarre custom, which negates the concept of free will.

For part 3 in the series, please click,  Arranged Marriage, Part 3

Arranged Marriage: Bible's Perspective, Part 1

To continue the series on the topic of customs and practices that has permeated into the Christian faith, from the Biblical perspective, I am discussing the subject of arranged marriage. Earlier, I had discussed the issue of Christian couples refusal to adopt children.

Now, the reason I’ve titled the discussion as such is to ensure that you don’t end up with a conclusion that I am promoting love marriages. No, I'm not. I am concerned only about one thing here is whether your marriage is or has been arranged by your parents or by God?


To begin our discussion, let's begin with the definition of marriage as defined in the Bible. So, what is a marriage? Bible defines it as the joining or coming together of a man and a woman, to become one flesh signifying the involvement of sex in the relationship. In Gen 2:24, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.’

Marriage: Child, Homosexual, Lesbian and Polygamy

At the outset, it is evident that Bible commands and approves the marriage of a man with a woman. Bible’s concept of marriage is between a man and a woman. It does not approve child marriage; neither does it approve the marriage of a man with another man or a woman with another woman. Thus, marriage between homosexuals and lesbians is contrary and unknown to the Bible. Also, Bible does not approve polygamy. Marriage is between two individuals of opposite sex.

These unbiblical concepts are a result of the futility, ungodliness, and corruption of the human mind and a result of a false and evil culture as described in Rom 1:18-32. These concepts are foreign to Bible, which is the final and sole authority by which God measures the thoughts and actions of the individuals and the society.

One Man, One Woman: Individual Choice
Individual choice

A quick point to note from the verse is that marriage is an individual choice. It is not the decision of a group, however well-wishing the group may be and nor that of your parents, elders or relatives of your family and neither of your friends. If you wish to marry, you marry. If you do not wish to marry, do not marry. It is an individual choice. If you cannot exercise self-control with regards to your sexual passions, then marry. It is better to marry than to burn with passion I Cor 7:9. To save yourself from the sin of sexual immorality, marry I Cor 7:2.

So, it is the coming together of a man and a woman. It is not the coming together of two families, the man and the woman being just bystanders or byproduct. It is the joining of one man with one woman, the families being the coordinators, assisting in the process. They are the ones who stand alongside the couple rejoicing and commending the association. The couple takes the center stage. They hog the limelight.

An evil and corrupt culture looks at marriage as an association of two families. This is what is called an arranged marriage and a befitting example of ‘the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life’. I Jn 2:16.

For part 2 in the series, please click,  Arranged Marriage, Part 2

My fight and victory over sin

My fight with sin continues. My battle with sin continues to rage. I continue to wage a war against sin in my own life. I will never be able to claim victory over sin in my life. As long as I am in the flesh, as long as I am in this mortal body, I will continue to struggle with sin in my life. It is amazing to know, understand and personally experience the power of sin in my own life.

Sin separates me from God. Sin isolates and makes me lonely. Sin removes me from the presence of God. Sin brings back the hollowness, meaningless and emptiness of this life. Since sin and God cannot stay together, my fellowship, relationship and association with God is broken. O wretched man I am! Who can save me from sin?

Sin brings along with it, sorrow, sadness, pain, and guilt. Sin disappoints, weakens and disheartens. Sin leaves me motionless, speechless and without any pride in myself. It is due to sin that I realize that I am still in the flesh; that I am still in this body. It is due to sin that I realize that I need to continue to seek God’s grace, strength and presence. I cannot for a moment depend on my own strength and ability to overcome sin. Sin is always at the door seeking to take a control of me. Sin is the roaring lion always seeking whom it may devour. The moment I drop my guard, I find myself in Sin's dungeon.

I may through discipline beat my body to subjection. I may resist the greatest of all temptation on many occasions but I’ve realized that at the very moment when I begin to glory in my ability or capability, I’m overpowered by sin. I’m thrown down hard on the floor like a defeated wrestler. My sin is ever before me.

I am engulfed in sorrow over my sin. But this sorrow is not unto death. This sorrow is unto repentance. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ because there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Since He is my Lord and Savior, all my past, present and even future sins have been forgiven due to His sacrificial death on the cross. I gain confidence in this truth alone. If I confess my sins, He is faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

But just because this escape module or route is ever available for me, that does not mean I’ll continue to indulge and resort to sin. If that be the case, then I deliberately and intentionally trample Jesus Christ underfoot and count the death and sacrifice of Jesus Christ as nothing, meaningless or dung and insult, humiliate the Spirit granted to me through sheer grace of God.

Since I’m saved, there is no iota of sin in my life. I cannot sin. But, if I am consistently leading a sinful life, with an unbroken pattern, then sin still has dominion over me and I’m still a slave of sin. In that scenario, I’ll not seek asylum under Romans 7 and seek a license to sin but realize that I’ve not yet turned from sin to God to serve Him; I’m not a slave to righteousness; I do not have the Spirit of God. If I claim to be saved, then what have I been saved from? If I continue to sin, then, I cannot answer that question with the word, sin. So, if I have to be saved, I have to be saved from sin but if I claim to be saved and continue to practice sin, then my claim is wrong, false and I’m still in my sin and the wrath of God continues to abide on me.

The Umbrella Man

Not long ago, an Umbrella salesman made it to a town; he set up a small kiosk and began to observe the residents. As it rained, he noticed that very many found shelter under self-made cover called Religion of different colors (Yellow cum green, Saffron orange, Black, Red, etc.), many used their bare hands called Good Works for protection, and some just didn't care. No one was convinced of his method and thus, no one persuaded others. Our salesman seeing a great vacuum in the market began to plead with the residents to try his Umbrella. Many mocked him, some ridiculed him and few ignored him and only Uno came forward to buy it. Did not Uno leave beaming with joy when he got the Umbrella for free? For free indeed it was, all the while!! It still is.

Indian Women and their Safety and Security

During the protest for Indian women's safety and security, it was appalling to see men in hordes, fighting for the rights of Indian women. Do we need men to fight for women's rights? Why would men come out to seek the rights of women?

While Indian women and girls sat watching 'Amrit Manthan' and 'Har, Har Mahadev' or reading 'Grahshobha' and 'Femina', to satiate their religious obligations and romantic urgings, Indian men have been howling, and denigrating, their own kin. Many of the women folks, for many a days, were not even aware of the incidence which rocked the capital, for, most of Indian women, rarely, find it worthwhile to read and appreciate the current news. They have more urgent and persistent needs, in terms of the religious vacuum and the absence of romance in their life.

On my Facebook page, i have numerous female friends and ex-colleagues, yet, i am yet to see a single comment, in protest against the ghastly gang rape of the Delhi girl. There are more men and college boys out in the streets or at Jantar Mantar, protesting for women's safety and security then the Indian women. A sight to behold was, a women's march, i witnessed in my society, being led by men.

It is the men and boys who were going all out, pleading for a capital punishment, while in their backyard, these are the very men and college boys, who harass, humiliate and hold the female sex in contempt. These are the very men and boys, who would dump their love and girlfriend, to marry a girl, arranged by their parents, whoever it may be, meekly complying to an outdated custom, which, at its core, treats and consider, women and female sex, as a commodity.

While those who participated in the campaign against corruption, were themselves corrupt, in different measures and level, according to the opportunity available to them, in financial, social, personal, religious, political dealings and in their relationships, in the same manner, those who protested against women's safety and security, were, themselves, involved in desecrating the sanctity and instilling fear, in the minds of women.

I fail to comprehend the reason for the presence of men, in women's fight, for their rights, safety and security. Are the Indian women and college girls crippled or incompetent to protest? Are they dumb and mute to not raise a voice in protest and unison? They sought protection and security from male sex but the protesters themselves comprised of men! In essence, saying, 'Keep the female sex away from us, cos, we are sex-hungry animals?'

These men were and are, uninvited and unsolicited, busybodies and worthless protesters. Indian women never invited them or sought their cooperation nor did the men seek the women's permission to protest. Indian women do not need men to fight or raise a voice for their rights, safety and security. They do not need men to break law for their rights. The irony is, that is what is happening-why? Cos, the fairer sex still needs the shoulder of a man, to lay claim to the so-called, 'Women rights'.

Grolier's Home Learning Program

Keeping the current situation in perspective, when students are committing suicide in numbers, our program becomes more relevant. The Times of India in one of its edition during the last week (March 10-16), states that approximately 6000 children have committed suicide in 2007 as a cause/result of studies (in one form or the other).

If you analyze the reason, you will see that there has been an utmost lack of communication between parents and kids. The result being lack of trust on the part of kids to open up to parents.

Lack of bonding between parents and kids could be another reason.

Are we so engrossed in our pursuit of success that we are willing to lose our kids?

Do you know that 50 percent of a child's adult intelligence is developed during the first four years of life?

And, do you accept that during the first three years, kids are with parents 100 percent of time. I am assuming that the mother is not working, which in today's scenario could be wrong. But, as of now, let's work with this assumption.

And, do you realize that you are the most influential people in the kid's life?

Thus, during the years that you are exerting your influence 100 percent of the time when 50 percent of your kid's adult intelligence is developing, then, for the rest of the kid's life, you are responsible for what your kid becomes or does not become.

Bitter truth.

And then we blame the school, teachers, syllabus, friends etc...

If the mother is working during this period, we have a kid who is being influenced by others. We have a disaster waiting to happen again.

During the first three years at least, we cannot delegate our responsibility to others.

Recent circular of kendriya Vidyalaya schools asks teachers to produce a pass percentage of at least 90 percent.

Teachers are already under lot of pressure to perform. They pass on the same to kids. Just tell me, where should the kids turn to for help, when parents too are out of bounds. Parents themselves are pressurizing the kids to excel.

That in itself is not wrong. It's a competitive world.

Teachers are not in a position to give one-to-one attention to each and every kid and this has a negative affect on the weak students and back bencher's.

This is where parents support is pleaded. That is the reason we have parents-teachers meeting.

Would it not be better if we imbibe in our kids, from the very beginning, the passion of books. If parents participate, would it not be wonderful if we could give our kids, problem solving skills, logical thinking skills, independence.

Through your participation, you are building a bond with the kids. Through communicating, talking, sharing, playing, laughing, walking, reading to them, you are building a mature citizen of tomorrow.

This is where our program helps parents achieve that.

And considering kids, who are priceless, the amount you are investing in the long run, is only meagre. Who are we earning for, at all?

We meet the physical needs of our kids. The mental needs too are of utmost priority. When mental needs are met, that in itself will enable your kid to fulfill his or her physical and financial needs.

If from the very beginning, you are using our vocabulary tools to improve your kid's vocabulary, won't your kids realize the importance of good vocabulary in communicating, both verbal and written.

Later on, they themselves will pursue perfection in communication. A good vocabulary is the foundation of good communication skills. This will result in boosting their self-confidence and self-esteem.

When you provide your kids with a very challenging and stimulating environment, you are not only making them inquisitive, thirsty for knowledge, you are giving them problem solving skills, listening and reading skills. As a result you are giving your kid, 'Passion for Books'.

This is where our 'I Wonder Why' series of 24 volumes helps.

Logico activities are to develop your kid's concentration, logical thinking, eye and hand coordination skills, in addition to other skills as well.

It's a burden that I've shared with you.

Grolier's Family Plan Of Home Education

Our research makes it clear that the younger you start imparting learning skills to a child, the better. This is why so many parents like to read to their infant children. It’s not only a joy, it’s teaching the children precious learning skills, building their vocabulary, establishing values, transforming them into good listeners and getting them to think for themselves.
Our experts believe the following skills acquired from a young age, through the medium of our innovative programme, form the basis for a creative, mature, successful adult:

. Strong vocabulary
. Strong communication skills
. Good reading skills/Love for books
. Good listening skills
. Creative mind
. Independence
. Good moral values
. Creating the desire to learn

The Greatest Indian

Out of a population of over a billion and add to that an additional billion who have already died since our independence, there were found only ten Indians worthy of being deemed as 'The Greatest' and one of them isn't even an Indian! Of the ten, many are already burning their heels, infact their whole self, in hell and the remaining are hurtling down the same road.

A nondescript person like you and me would do well to heed the warning.

Currently, the severest of punishment is reserved for Ms. Agnes Gonxha (Teresa) who knew the truth but rejected it. The best of the good works are like a filthy rag to the living God. He detests them all.

Their fault: They rejected Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father (God of the Bible) but by Me."

Again He said, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"