Keeping the current situation in perspective, when students are committing suicide in numbers, our program becomes more relevant. The Times of India in one of its edition during the last week (March 10-16), states that approximately 6000 children have committed suicide in 2007 as a cause/result of studies (in one form or the other).
If you analyze the reason, you will see that there has been an utmost lack of communication between parents and kids. The result being lack of trust on the part of kids to open up to parents.
Lack of bonding between parents and kids could be another reason.
Are we so engrossed in our pursuit of success that we are willing to lose our kids?
Do you know that 50 percent of a child's adult intelligence is developed during the first four years of life?
And, do you accept that during the first three years, kids are with parents 100 percent of time. I am assuming that the mother is not working, which in today's scenario could be wrong. But, as of now, let's work with this assumption.
And, do you realize that you are the most influential people in the kid's life?
Thus, during the years that you are exerting your influence 100 percent of the time when 50 percent of your kid's adult intelligence is developing, then, for the rest of the kid's life, you are responsible for what your kid becomes or does not become.
Bitter truth.
And then we blame the school, teachers, syllabus, friends etc...
If the mother is working during this period, we have a kid who is being influenced by others. We have a disaster waiting to happen again.
During the first three years at least, we cannot delegate our responsibility to others.
Recent circular of kendriya Vidyalaya schools asks teachers to produce a pass percentage of at least 90 percent.
Teachers are already under lot of pressure to perform. They pass on the same to kids. Just tell me, where should the kids turn to for help, when parents too are out of bounds. Parents themselves are pressurizing the kids to excel.
That in itself is not wrong. It's a competitive world.
Teachers are not in a position to give one-to-one attention to each and every kid and this has a negative affect on the weak students and back bencher's.
This is where parents support is pleaded. That is the reason we have parents-teachers meeting.
Would it not be better if we imbibe in our kids, from the very beginning, the passion of books. If parents participate, would it not be wonderful if we could give our kids, problem solving skills, logical thinking skills, independence.
Through your participation, you are building a bond with the kids. Through communicating, talking, sharing, playing, laughing, walking, reading to them, you are building a mature citizen of tomorrow.
This is where our program helps parents achieve that.
And considering kids, who are priceless, the amount you are investing in the long run, is only meagre. Who are we earning for, at all?
We meet the physical needs of our kids. The mental needs too are of utmost priority. When mental needs are met, that in itself will enable your kid to fulfill his or her physical and financial needs.
If from the very beginning, you are using our vocabulary tools to improve your kid's vocabulary, won't your kids realize the importance of good vocabulary in communicating, both verbal and written.
Later on, they themselves will pursue perfection in communication. A good vocabulary is the foundation of good communication skills. This will result in boosting their self-confidence and self-esteem.
When you provide your kids with a very challenging and stimulating environment, you are not only making them inquisitive, thirsty for knowledge, you are giving them problem solving skills, listening and reading skills. As a result you are giving your kid, 'Passion for Books'.
This is where our 'I Wonder Why' series of 24 volumes helps.
Logico activities are to develop your kid's concentration, logical thinking, eye and hand coordination skills, in addition to other skills as well.
It's a burden that I've shared with you.