Follow @is0ac Biblical Perspective: rituals
Showing posts with label rituals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rituals. Show all posts

Christian Impossible

 It is the bondage of religion, traditions, society's pressure, rituals, ego and false belief system which restrains men from following Jesus Christ and the irony is, a new set of religion, traditions, rituals, false belief system that is not approved by Bible are the very ones which holds Christians from going back to their old religion, traditions and false belief system. The difference is now they are caught in a Christian religion, ego, traditions and rituals of the church and family, pressure of/from Christian society, and the false belief that they belong to Christ when their decision was just a fleeting moments of emotion under false presentation of the Gospel, without having known or understood the gravity of being a Christian.

For it is not possible for a good soil not to yield at least some fruit when it has consistently received good and strong seed, pure water, sunshine without any obstructions, pollution free air, unadulterated nutrients, self-less care and protection. It has to be a false soil. However times I may sow and in whatever ways I sow, they won’t yield which goes on to prove that they were never a true soil to work on.

Have they not heard what God said to humankind in Genesis, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh.” Genesis 6:3

Did not Jesus cry out at their refusal to yield to Him when He said, “How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!”

What did he follow it with? Judgment! He prophesied and said, “See! Your house is left to you desolate.”