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Being Childless: Biblical Perspective, Part I

Paul in Romans 12:2 says, ‘Do not be conformed to this world.’ 

It bothers me that we have brought into the church, the customs, practices of the non-believing society that we live in, which are contrary to the teachings and doctrines of the Bible. To our own hurt, have we followed these beliefs. The church has always faced this problem, this issue. It is not a new discussion that we are entering into. From the days of the early church, Paul had to confront believers who followed and practiced the customs of the unregenerate culture that they came from. In I Corinthians chapter 3 verse 3, he confronts the Corinthians church believers of being envious, of striving with each other and divisions among them. In chapter 5, he confronts the sin of sexual immorality within the church. In chapter 6, he confronts believers of going to court against another believer and in that same chapter, he again warns believers to stay away from sexual immorality. In chapter 7, he discusses the topic of marriage, of relationship of husband with his wife and of wife with her husband. In chapter 8, idolatry, in chapter 9, about him being criticized and in the end of the same chapter, about self-control and discipline of body. He goes on and on about the sin prevailing in the church.

History tells us that it was a city of sin and from that sinful culture, there were individuals who believed in Jesus and were part of the church. So, it is obvious that they brought in with them the baggage.

We have been born in this society, we went to school with unbelieving children, and our communications and time have been spent in the company of unbelievers. We have been raised in this culture. We have been bombarded with this belief system though our parents, friends, media, and movies. Before we realized, those belief system have already become a part of us. It has so deeply seeped in the mindset of Christian individuals that it is difficult to see it as sinful custom.

Folks, 'our faith is not in the wisdom of men but in the power of God', I Corinthians 2: 5. Our thought process, our ways in life are different from the ways of unbelievers. Our belief system is different. We don’t think the way the world thinks. We don’t act the way the world act. We don’t do things the way the world does.

Let's look at some of the false beliefs that we practice in the church. And I will start with the issue of adoption. In India, if a married couple fails to have a child, it is considered a disgrace. That gods are not pleased with you. You need to appease the gods. You need to fend off the curse. The couple spends years making trips to countless temples, mosques, god-men and medical practitioners to somehow break this curse. They live with the hope that someday they will have their own child. With that belief, they waste the best years of their lives and spend it in being sorrow, anger, confusion, hatred and seek to forget the issue by getting involved in other things or areas. 

Is not the culture that we live in against the concept of adoption? Does it not look down on parents who adopt children? Is it not a disgrace in our society to adopt children? When we do not adopt children, depriving ourselves of the joy, thrill and renewal of energy that they bring in, we unconsciously practice the belief system of the unregenerate society.

Have we not brought this belief system in the church? Are we not guilty of this act, thought process? Have we not made a fool of ourselves like the people outside the church? Are there not believing couples who are suffering because of this belief? A childless Christian couple, without having an understanding of the Bible on this issue, they undergo pain and suffering. Do they not suffer in their relationship with God and with each other?

For part two on this topic, click on Being Childless: Biblical Perspective, Part II

If you happen to see my face

If you happen to see my face
will you love me the same again
If you happen to see my face
will you wipe all my tears away
If you happen to see me face
will you just walk pass by me

It's hard to say sorry
harder still to face me
It's hard to face the truth
when all you did was ignore me

If you happen to see me again
will you embrace and hold me tight
If you happen to see me again
will you hold my hand and
lead me to paradise

If you happen to see my face
will you hear the words I've been longing to say
and if you happen to see my face
could we fall in love all over again